InnerEnergy a division of Inneractive Fri, 25 Feb 2022 14:39:51 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Solar Plexus Chakra: A Guide to Understanding Manipura Wed, 28 Aug 2019 04:09:43 +0000 Welcome to our guide to the solar plexus chakra! What are chakras? Some people believe there are seven pools of energy within the human body. These pools, or focal points, are called chakras, and they make up an entire system, that supposedly runs from the bottom of the spine to the top of the head. The chakras are often associated with physical symptoms, mood, and spiritual health.

The chakra system is comprised of the individual chakras, and each chakra has its own symbol and spiritual meaning. The first chakra is the root chakra, and it’s a good place to start in terms of understanding the chakras.

Note: This article is written according to people’s beliefs in metaphysics

What does the Solar Plexus Chakra Mean?

Solar plexus chakra

The solar plexus chakra symbol.

Believed to represent the core of the self, or the core personality, the solar plexus chakra is also called Manipura. The word means “lustrous gem” in Sanskrit, as it is a hidden treasure that all people possess. This chakra is the third chakra, coming after the root and sacral chakras, and it is believed to be located in the center of the body. Manipura is sometimes connected with themes of identity, self-confidence, willpower, and clarity.

The solar plexus chakra is understood to be manifesting when you make confident decisions in your life, use your personal power and influence, or assert yourself. This is the chakra of action, and it brings out the best in your personality. Someone who makes confident, inightful decisions in their life may have a healthy solar plexus chakra. Additionally, people with a strong balance between willpower and self-discipline likely have a healthy relationships with their Manipura.

Key Elements of the Solar Plexus Chakra

Solar plexus chakra

The solar plexus chakra location.

This chakra is believed to be a key part of defining yourself as an individual, and it is somtimes referred to as the Fire Center or Sun Center. As such, this chakra is associated with the element of fire, since it is also responsible for fuelling your actions and providing energy to turn dreams into reality. Manipura is sometimes compared to a tiny spark within each of us, that can send energy outward into the world.

Thought to be located at the center of the naval, the solar plexus chakra is below the heart and above the bellybutton. Some people believe the liver and digestive system may affect this chakra.

The solar plexus chakra is also symbolically linked to the color yellow. Each one of the chakras has a distinct color that symbolizes it’s energy and purpose. They are listed below:

  • Red – Root chakra
  • Orange – Sacral chakra
  • Yellow – Solar Plexus chakra
  • Green – Heart chakra
  • Blue – Throat chakra
  • Indigo – Third Eye chakra
  • Purple – Crown chakra

Each one of these chakras also as an illustrated symbol. An inverted triange inside a circle surrounded by ten lotus petals symbolizes the solar plexus chakra. Lotus petals are often associated with the chakras, as they can represent phases of life and rebirth, or spiritual awakening.

Problems with the Solar Plexus Chakra

Solar plexus chakra

Sadness may accompany problems with the solar plexus chakra.

While there are many upsides to the chakra system, each one of the chakras can exhibit problems, like any other part of the body. An imbalance with one of the points in the system can impact all the other chakras.

Most people will experience an imbalance or blocked chakra at some point—it’s just part of life. These imbalances can be triggered by stressors or major life changes, such as moving to a new city, anxiety about the future, pressure at work, or a change to an established routine. When the chakras become blocked due to events like these, the energy in the body becomes stagnant and can no longer move freely. A chakra may underperform, and the other chakras in the system may try to overcompensate for it.

There are several psychological symptoms that may impact the third chakra. These include an inability to set boundaries, anxiety or depression, lack of self-control and low self-esteem. Problems with digestion and weigh gain or weight loss are also sometimes associated with this chakra.

These issues can occur when the chakra is either underperforming or overcompensating, so it’s important to understand exactly why the chakra is out of balance.

Feeling a loss of your sense of self may be connected to a deficiency in your solar plexus chakra. Since it is the center of a person’s sense of self, when it stops performing it can be difficult to feel comfortable in your own skin. You may feel low self-esteem, a lack of purpose, indecisiveness, and unsure about making decisions.

On the flip side, and overcompensating solar plexus chakra is also a problem. A person who is overly judgemental, aggressive, angry, pushes their will onto others and refuses to compensate may have an imbalanced chakra.

Healing the Solar Plexus Chakra

solar plexus chakra

Learning to heal the solar plexus chakra can bring many benefits.

Luckily, no matter how bad it may seem, spiritual experts have found several strategies to try and heal an imbalanced chakra. There are many methods, and you may need to try several different ways and be patient before you see results.

Healing Stones for the Solar Plexus

The yellow chakra is supposed to represent bright, happy energy. To tap back into this symbolic meaning, try meditating or surrounding yourself with yellow stones that mimic this chakra’s energy. Popular choices include amber, tiger’s eye, and citrine. Additionally, keeping these stones on your person while breathing in aromatic essential oils like cedarwood and marjoram can help unblock this chakra.

Solar Plexus Yoga Poses

There is nothing like yoga to add a physical connection to finding spiritual balance. By timing the breath with flowing movements, you can experience the benefits of this ancient practice.

There are several yoga poses that are thought to be particularly beneficial for the third chakra. They include boat pose, sun salutations, and warrior poses. These positions all engage the core muscles, heightening the energy flow around the solar plexus chakra.

Meditation for Healing the Solar Plexus Chakra

Meditation is a tried-and-true method for finding peace and solace within yourself. To deepend the connection with the fiery yellow energy of this chakra, consider meditating in the sunshine or somewhere warm if possible. Envision a vibrant yellow sunflower over your navel as an added visualization exercise.

Think on these affirmations as you meditate:

  • I am authentic.
  • I have power.
  • I choose loving relationships.
  • I love and accept myself.
  • My life has purpose.

Try out one of these methods or a combination as you discover the hidden treasure of your own personal gem in the Solar Plexus Chakra.

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Svadhishthana Chakra: A Guide to Understanding The Sacral Chakra Thu, 08 Aug 2019 20:27:42 +0000 There are believed to be seven points of energy within the body. Together, these internal focal points form what is called the chakra system. Connecting and understanding the energy of the chakras within the system may help you find a deeper relationship with your own spirituality and is thought to foster overall wellness of the mind and body. In particular, the sacral chakra may help you understand your spirituality. By learning to balance and harness this chakra, you can live a more fulfilling life.

This article is written according to people’s beliefs in metaphysics.

The Meaning of the Sacral Chakra

Believed to be the single point in the body most often associated with pleasure, the sacral chakra is also connected to creativity and happiness. The sacral chakra—also called Svadhishthana in Sanskrit—is sometimes understood as a person’s “self place.” It is the deepest part of ourselves, and plays a crucial role in determining our identity and relationships with others.

Symbol of the Sacral Chakra

Sacral chakra

The sacral chakra may be impacted by the relationships in your life.

Every chakra has a symbol that represents its intrinsic meaning. For the sacral chakra, this symbol is a bright orange circle surrounded by six lotus petals. The color represents the fact that the sacral chakra is often connected to spiritual warmth and affection. Within the chakra system, the sacral chakra is the second chakra in the body, with the first being the root chakra.

The entire map of the chakra system, and their corresponding colors, can be seen here:

  • Red: Root Chakra
  • Orange: Sacral Chakra
  • Yellow: Solar Plexus Chakra
  • Green: Heart Chakra
  • Blue: Throat Chakra
  • Indigo: Third Eye Chakra
  • Violet: Crown Chakra

Each one of these chakras is also thought to be connected to a location or region of the body. Svadhishthana is often associated with the lumbar region of the back, the lower stomach, and sometimes even sexual organs. The latter association is part of the reason this chakra is connected with sexual expression and intimacy.

Beyond physical relationships, the sacral chakra may be impacted by the relationships in your life, whether they are romantic or not. It can also be triggered by moments of complete euphoria or bliss, such as dining on an outstanding dinner, running your fingers over soft silk, or taking in a gorgeous sunrise.

People who are self-aware, confident, independent, and relatable likely have a healthy sacral chakra. These attributes help them form positive realtionships with those around them, and may help them better understand their place in the world. The sacral chakra may help us connect more fully with ourselves in this way.

In addition to the chakra system, some people also believe in auras. Auras are a metaphysical theory regarding an intangible electromagnetic field that every living thing projects. Though invisible to the naked eye, some people may be able to discern the color of an individual’s aura. It is believed that the color of a person’s aura may indicate things about how they feel or what kind of person they are. While both chakras and auras have to do with a person’s spiritual energy, chakras are associated with internal energy, while auras are an outward projection of energy.

Problems with the Sacral Chakra

Sacral chakra

Unbalanced expressions of intimacy may indicate a sacral chakra problem.

Every one of the chakras has unique benefits it can offer an individual, and it is important to learn how to harness these benefits. However, the chakras can also become unblanced due to negative energy or events in a person’s life. When this happens, the other chakras may overcompensate for the affected chakra, creating an imbalance.

By practicing sacral chakra healing, you may by able to rebalance your chakra and deal with overcompensating or disconnected chakras.

Since the sacral chakra is commonly associated with our sexuality and ability to relate and connect to others, an imbalance with this chakra may manifest in several ways. These may include: an inability to bounce back from negative experiences, a lack of self confidence, or unbalanced expressions of intimacy.

While these symptoms may sound straightforward, it’s important to bear in mind that individuals may exhibit unique symptoms based on their own personal experiences. An overactive sacral chakra (as opposed to a blocked chakra) could manifest in opposite behaviors.

How to Heal the Sacral Chakra

Sacral chakra

The sacral chakra is connected with creativity and self-expression.

Thankfully, spiritual gurus and healers have spent many years studying the chakra system and learning ways to balance it. There are lots of ways you can address your own issues with your sacral chakra, so it’s best to experiment and try several strategies to learn what works best for you.

Get Creative

The sacral chakra is connected with creativity and self-expression, so if you’re dealing with a blocked chakra you may just need to shake things up a bit. This can include finishing a creative endeavor you’ve put aside, or trying something totally new.

Some common techniques to get creative with this chakra include:

  • Learning a new skill through a video tutorial
  • Taking a pottery class, and creating a gift for a loved one
  • Going somewhere new to draw the things you see
  • Creating a piece of jewelry out of materials that hold meaning for you

Be Body Positive

Everyone struggles with their self-image sometimes, and when it comes to the sacral chakra in particular, you may find there are great benefits to be found in expressing love and acceptance toward your physical vessel. By finding your intrinsic self-worth, you may be able to more easily relate and open up to others.

To achieve this, you should try keeping a list of ten things you like about yourself. Look at the list at least once a week, and remind yourself of why you like being you. You should also focus on your health and how you feel, instead of how you look in the mirror. After all, what’s really more important?

Finally, take a chance and explore your romantic side with your partner, and be sure to surround yourself with friends, loved ones, and partners who promote and encourage self-love.

Intimacy and the sacral chakra are deeply connected, so it’s important to consider that by healing the sacral chakra, we are practicing self-love. Whether or not you have a partner, by living a more fulfilling, satisfying life, you can rebalance this chakra for the better.

Yoga Poses for the Sacral Chakra

Sacral chakra

To heal the sacral chakra, try yoga.

Yoga has long been acknowledged as a powerful tool in connecting the mind and body. Some poses to try to improve the sacral chakra include:

  • Camel pose
  • Squat pose
  • Bound angle pose
  • Hero pose

Sacral Chakra Foods

Sacral chakra

Ginger root and tea are great sacral chakra healing foods.

Most people are aware that eating a nutritious diet can improve physical health, but not everyone knows that it can also help to keep the chakras aligned and balanced. In particular, eating foods like ginger root or tea, carrots, peppers, oranges, and sweet potatos can help to awaken this chakra.

How to Tell if Your Sacral Chakra is Balanced

Every person is unique, so the way people express balance and manifest healthy energy will vary from person to person. For instance, some people are more open and in touch with their sexual energy than others. This doesn’t mean they have a healthier sacral chakra, or that theirs is overcompensating compared to others. Wherever you fall on the spectrum, whether you are very open and in touch with your sacral chakra energy, or not, finding ways to heal the sacral chakra can provide benefits to you.

A balanced sacral chakra may look like:

  • Self assurance and self confience
  • Healthy levels of intimacy with your partner
  • Satisfying creative expression
  • A sense of empowerment
  • Feeling contended with your life

No matter how your sacral chakra is expressed, it’s important to find a healthy balance with this chakra to experience a deeper connection with yourself and open up to all the joys of life.

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Muladhara Chakra: A Guide to Understanding The Root Chakra Tue, 06 Aug 2019 02:31:50 +0000 There are believed to be seven different focal points of energy throughout the body. They are called chakras. Some people believe that these points are associated with everything habits, behaviors, personalities, and even feeling a certain way. The very first chakra is called the root chakra.

This article is based on people’s beliefs in metaphysics.

What Does The Root Chakra Mean?

The root chakra is also called the Muladhara in Sanskrit. According to Hindu tradition, it is the center of our emotional being—this is why it is the first chakra. In Sanskrit, Muladhara means “foundation,” further underscoring how central the root chakra is. It is often depicted with an inverted triangle and a red lotus flower.

Root chakra

The root chakra is the seat of our balance and groundedness.

This root chakra is believed to be a guiding force in our lives. Some people think it can support us through the ups and downs of life and help us maintain a sense of balance and being grounded. As such, this chakra is believed to be located at the base of the spine, symbolizing our connection to the earth and the root of our energy flow.

The first chakra lays the foundation for understanding the entirety of the chakra system, and as such it is important to grasp how it fits into the whole.

In short, chakras are believed to be energy points that are connected to an individual’s health. They may be affected by physical symptoms manifested by the individual, so it is important to balance them in order to center oneself and find wellbeing. Each chakra is also associated with a color.

Root chakra

The root chakra is the first chakra, at the bottom of the lineup.

In order, the chakras are as follows:

  • Red: Root/Muladhara chakra
  • Orange: Sacral/Svadhisthana chakra
  • Yellow: Solar Plexus/Manipura chakra
  • Green: Heart/Anahata chakra
  • Blue: Throat/Vishudda chakra
  • Indigo: Third Eye/Anja charka
  • Purple: Crown/Sahaswara chakra

Within this system, the root chakra is considered by some people to have a centering effect. It is symbolically connected to a person’s sense of security, stability, and their place in the world. This chakra may be affected by whether or not you feel comfortable and secure in your world. Basic needs, such as water, food, shelter, and fiscal comfort may impact this chakra. If a person does not feel secure in these aspects, their root chakra may be affected.

The people who surround us in our lives can also impact the balance of this chakra. The root chakra may be affected by a person’s social standing and whether they feel comfortable with the people around them. Since we often define ourselves by our relationships to other people, this is another aspect of the Muladhara chakra that should not be overlooked. In addition to chakras, a person’s energy may also be manifested in the form of an aura.

Feeling safe and balanced may help create a healthy root chakra. By being more comfortable and settled within our daily needs, you may feel more connected with the chakra system as a whole.

Problems With The Root Chakra

Root chakra

Many people’s chakra balancing routines involve spending time in nature.

Instability in your life, such as the loss of a job, home, or the end of an important relationship, may cause issues to arise with the root chakra. However, this chakra is also believed to be shaped by early childhood experiences and traumas. If you felt insecure as a child, you may still have some of those feelings of instabiltiy as an adult. Working with these emotions and overcoming past traumas may help to heal this chakra.

Root Chakras That Are Blocked or Imbalanced

The chakra system functions on a holistic level, meaning that issues with one chakra may trickle over and affect the other energy points in the system. If a chakra is blocked or under-performing, the other chakras in the body may overcompensate and try to function for the blocked chakra, leading to an imbalance in the entire system. Finding a chakra balancing routine that works for you may help you to find wellness within spiritual traditions.

Some things that can affect the balance of chakras include fear, big life changes, anxiety about the future, and conflict with others.

Symptoms of an Imbalance in The Root Chakra

There are several signs of an imbalance with the root chakra. These include feelings of uneasiness, not feeling centered in your life, or a general sense of insecurity.

Some people believe that chakra imbalances can manifest as either a blockage or a chakra that is overperforming and trying to compensate for another chakra. Excessive energy, restlessness, irritation, and general agitation may suggest the root chakra is overcompensating. Luckily, there are many chakra healing techniques that may prove effective over time, if you are patient and consistent in utilizing them.

How to Heal The Root Chakra

While an imbalanced or blocked chakra may be annoying to deal with, experts in spiritual healing believe there are several strategies you can try to fix this problem.

Since the root chakra is the basis of the entire chakra system, having a thorough understanding of its function within the seven energy points is crucial. Try being more mindful of what your body needs, and listen to what it tells you. Find little things that help ground you during big changes in your life or times of instability.

Using The Outdoors to Balance Your Root Chakra

The root chakra is the base chakra. It is a symbolic representation of our primal connection to the earth and our need to survive. As such, some people think that doing activities outdoors and finding ways to reconnect with nature may be effective in balancing this chakra. The method could be as simple as doing activities outside or even taking a walk in the sunshine.

One of the most popular methods for this includes planting a garden. Getting your hands dirty and fostering the growth of living things is an affirming way to reconnect with mother nature and find balance. Other methods may include camping or taking a hike. These activities are enjoyable anytime, but they are especially beneficial in finding perspective on your place in the world and connecting with nature on a deeper level.

Additionally, some people like to try yoga outside. Since it’s already a spiritual practice, you can only benefit from the added immersion in nature and the outdoors as you center yourself in the present moment. Finally, try meditating and sitting in silence (with all cellphones and other technology far away). Find solace in the stillness, and remember that you came from the earth and it is where you belong.

Using Foods to Balance Your Root Chakra

Root chakra

Red foods may help balance and heal the root chakra.

It’s well known that health and nutrition go hand in hand. But not as many people realize that there may be a connection between what you eat and how you balance your chakra system. In particular, it is believed that root vegetables, foods with lots of protein, and red foods in general can help you balance the root chakra.

The following are some foods you may want to try to help balance your root chakra:

  • Red potatoes
  • Broth
  • Carrots
  • Ginger
  • Grains
  • Red apples
  • Tomatoes
  • Radishes

Using Exercise to Balance Your Chakra

Exercise is beneficial in all its forms, and some people think it can even help clear your mind and balance your chakras.

Yoga is one of the most popular exercises for balancing your chakra, as it connects the movements of the body with the breath, finding a rhythm and flow throughout the session.

You can also try dancing to balance your chakras. It is an expressive exercise that encourages emotion and creativity.

Finally, try hitting the jogging track. Running and walking outdoors has proven health benefits, and can reduce blood pressure.

Meditation For The Root Chakra

Breathe in. Breathe out. Let all your stress melt away during a mindful meditation session. By focusing on yourself and your energy, you may be able to feel more balanced after taking the time to meditate.

Meditation doesn’t have to mean sitting in silence for hours. It can also involve sounds, healing crystals, and aromatherapy.

Aromas can be added by applying essential oils or diffusing them in the room. In particular, angelica root, cedarwood and patchouli are thought to be effective for the root chakra.

The syllable “lam” can be chanted or listened to on repeat to feel grounded.

Finally, use red stones to tap into the red energy of the chakra. Bloodstone and jasper held or placed over your root chakra may help you meditate.

This type of meditation doesn’t just benefit the root chakra—it can also assist in balancing the entire chakra system and awakening a higher sense of spirituality.

Affirmations For The Root Chakra

Everyone wants to be affirmed, and it turns out that chakras do, too. Daily affirmations may help you to feel more calm and centered throughout the day, and certain phrases may connect to specific chakras in a healing, affirming way.

If you’d like to try affirming yourself for your root chakra, try some of the following phrases:

  • I am safe and secure
  • I am connected to the earth
  • I have enough
  • I am in control of my decisions
  • I am at peace
  • I am supported
  • My needs are met

The primal nature of the root chakra means some people associate it with human sexuality. This can manifest as a deeper trust and connection with your partner. Affirmations that may contribute to deeper intimacy are as follows:

  • I am confident with my partner
  • I am safe with my partner
  • I trust my partner

It’s likely that many people could experience an imbalance in the root chakra at some point, as it is affected by our basic needs. A new job, moving to a new place, having a tight budget, and meeting a new partner could all impact this primal chakra. As inevitable parts of life, it’s important to understand how this chakra functions and have the right tools and remedies on hand for when you do start to feel imbalanced in your life.

By tending to your root chakra, you may feel more secure and connected to those around you. It could help you feel confident in making a big decision or starting a new chapter in your life. There are several ways to know if your root chakra is healthy, including:

  • A desire to connect with the people around you
  • Healthy eating and exercise habits
  • A sense of stability and security
  • Less reliance on material objects for comfort
  • Clear thinking

This chakra can ground us and provide many benefits, if only we tend to it and learn to find comfort with ourselves and the world around us.

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